Django and React App example
This is a template application built using Django and React. It is based on the video tutorial provided by Traversy Media, but has been updated to use some of the latest tools and techniques.
Tools used
The aim is to provide a base template with many of the usual required features in it. This template includes:
- Django user and database management tools, as well as admin features
- Django Rest Framework to provide RESTful API endpoints for accessing the data
- Knox for management of user tokens
- React frontend for providing an interactive user experience
- Redux and Redux-Toolkit to manage the frontend application state
- Django and GitHub actions for automated testing
There are a number of potential customisations, which can be found in the Customisation section to the left. It is not designed to be used as-is, as there are a number of changes that will need to be made to make the app do what you want, but instead designed to demonstrate some common use cases.
App Overview
The basic app contains:
- Admin setup (built-in Django admin)
- Account Management (
)- Login and Logout via API requests
- Password reset request, email and change via API requests
- Registration, including email validation via API requests
- API examples (
)- Demonstration of creating a fully RESTful API using DRF's
- API routes are protected through the use of a Token. This must be passed to the API in the headers by including
asToken abc123abc123abc123
. - Documentation of the api is visible by visiting the API link using the DRF default templates
- Pagination example
- Field names are converted from snake_case default of python, to the camelCase default of React.
- Demonstration of creating a fully RESTful API using DRF's
- Frontend application (
)- React source files demonstrating use of the backend APIs with Redux-Toolkits'
helper. The default API set up includes use of tokens and the main API route. - Complete login/logout/register/reset-password flow and usage.
- Alert templates
- React source files demonstrating use of the backend APIs with Redux-Toolkits'
Useful tools
I thoroughly recommend downloading these for testing, and demonstration purposes:
- Postman - to test API requests and responses
- Redux DevTools Chrome Extension - to be able to see the current state and changes to the redux store as you are using the application.
Unit tests are created using the Django testing library. You'll find them in the relevant tests
folders inside accounts
and api
. The tests inside api
are just examples and don't represent the full test suite.
Tests can be run using python app/ test app/ --noinput
or npm run test
There is also an example of how this can be used with GitHub actions for automated testing on push and pull requests in .github/workflows/test.yml